Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Cargo bay revamped

A while ago, I decided to give the map a facelift. The facelift has been completed, and left me with the cargo bay, sitting unused and still very crappy looking. I decided to connect the cargo bay to the map, added a fight sequence, and heavily revamped the lighting inside it. This is the result:

New Screenshot

An older screenshot for comparison

Monday, April 6, 2009

New screenshot

New screenshot has been uploaded.

This is a screenshot of a slightly darkened hallway. Notice that some lights shorted out during the crash and are not working. This contributes to realism.
In other news, the Project: Insecurity thread has been approved and moved to the "Upcoming maps section of the forum. View it HERE.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Blog now online

I decided to create a blog to track the development for my Unreal Tournament map pack. This site will provide updates and new screenshots as the mod is updated.